Updating treatment plan fees

To maintain the integrity of treatment plan estimates, Dentrix Enterprise does not automatically update the fees for procedures assigned to a treatment plan. If the fees have changed since the time the treatment plan was given to a patient, the treatment plan can be manually updated for that patient from Treatment Planner to reflect any fee schedule changes if certain criteria you specify are met. You can also update treatment plan fees for all patients with treatment-planned procedures if certain criteria you specify are met.

Note: You can also update treatment plan fees from .

To update treatment plan fees

Do one of the following:

In Treatment Planner, on the Edit menu, click Update Treatment Plan Fees.

In the Fee Schedule Maintenance dialog box (which you can access from Office Manager), click Tx Plan Fees.

The Update Treatment Plan Fees dialog box appears.

Set up the following options:

Update Treatment Plan Fees For - If you are updating fees from Treatment Planner, select one of the following options:

Current Patient - To update the fees for the currently selected patient only.

All Patients - To update the fees for all patients with treatment plans.

Note: If you are updating fees from Office Manager, only the All Patients option is available.

Procedure Information - This tab is selected by default. Set up any of the following options for updating treatment plan fees:

Procedure Code(s) - To specify which procedures to update, do one of the following:

To include all procedures, leave <All> selected for both From and To.

To include a specific procedure, select the same procedure for both From and To.

To include a specific range of procedures, select the starting procedure (alphabetically by ADA code) of the range for From and the ending procedure of the range for To.

To include an open-ended range of procedures, select a procedure for From or To, leave <All> selected for the other option.

To select a procedure for From or To, click the down-pointing arrow to view a procedure list, click the plus sign (+) of the applicable category to view the corresponding procedures, and then click the correct procedure.

Procedure Date Before - Only treatment-planned procedures dated on or before the specified date will be updated with the new fees. By default, today's date. To specify a different date, do one of the following:

In the box, enter the correct date in a mm/dd/yyyy format.

To select a date, do the following:

Click the down-pointing arrow to view a month calendar.

Navigate to the correct month, using the left and right arrows.

Note: To quickly change the year and month, click the month-year at the top of the calendar, navigate to the correct year, using the left and right arrows, and then click the correct month.

Click the correct day.

Tx Clinics - If you want to update treatment-planned procedures performed in specific clinics, select the desired clinics (to select multiple clinics, while holding down the CTRL key, click each clinic), or leave All selected to update procedures for all clinics.

Tx Provider - The providers for the selected Tx Clinics are listed, or all providers are listed if the update utility is being run for all clinics. If you want to update treatment-planned procedures performed by specific providers, select the providers (to select multiple providers, while holding down the Ctrl key, click each provider), or leave All selected to update procedures for all providers.

Billing Type for Patient's Guarantor - If you are updating treatment plan fees for all patients, this list box is available; otherwise, for the current patient, the list box is unavailable. If you want to update treatment-planned procedures for patients with specific billing types, select the billing types (to select multiple billing types, while holding down the Ctrl key, click each billing type), or leave All selected to update procedures for patients with any billing type.

Case Information - On this tab, you can specify which cases are to be updated.

Set up any of the following options for updating treatment plan fees:

Current Status - If you want to update treatment-planned procedures in cases with specific statuses, select the case statuses, or leave All selected to update treatment-planned procedures in cases with any status.

Case Financing Flag - If you want to update treatment-planned procedures in cases with specific financing flags, select the financing types, or leave All selected to update treatment-planned procedures in cases with any financing flag.

Severity - If you want to update treatment-planned procedures in cases with specific case severities, select the severity levels, or leave All selected to update treatment-planned procedures in cases with any severity.

Exclude Default Treatment Plan - If you want to exclude all procedures added to a default treatment plan, select this option.

Estimate Expiration Date Before - If you want to update fees for procedures in cases created prior to, but not on, the date specified, select this option, and then specify a cut-off date. To specify a date, do one of the following:

In the box, enter the correct date in a mm/dd/yyyy format.

To select a date, do the following:

Click the down-pointing arrow to view a month calendar.

Navigate to the correct month, using the left and right arrows.

Note: To quickly change the year and month, click the month-year at the top of the calendar, navigate to the correct year, using the left and right arrows, and then click the correct month.

Click the correct day.

Click Update to update the fees according to the options specified (any changes to the default options are not saved for the next time you open the Update Treatment Plan Fees dialog box).

An entry for fees that have been updated will be added to the Case Status History log.

Fees cannot be updated for any patients' treatment plans that meet the criteria you set up for the update utility and that are open at another workstation. If this is the case, a message with a list of patient names appears. Print the list and perform the update on the patients' cases at a later time.

Important: Depending upon which fee schedule is assigned to the patient, the fee for the patient's treatment-planned procedures might not have been updated or not updated with the fee you might have expected. Fee schedules are assigned to patients using the following hierarchy:

A patient can be assigned a fee schedule from the Head-of-House Information or Patient Information dialog box in Family File. If this is the case, Fee Sched in the Patient Information block will have the name of the fee schedule (for example, "6. DEofPA.")

If a patient has not be assigned a fee schedule from the Head-of-House Information or Patient Information dialog box in Family File, a patient's insurance plan can be assigned a fee schedule from the Dental Insurance Plan Information dialog box. If this is the case, Fee Sched in the Patient Information block of Family File will have "<Ins Default>."

If a patient has not be assigned a fee schedule from the Head-of-House Information or Patient Information dialog box in Family File and a patient's insurance plan has not been assigned a fee schedule from the Dental Insurance Plan Information dialog box, a patient's primary provider can be assigned a fee schedule from the Provider Information dialog box. If this is the case, Fee Sched in the Patient Information block of Family File will have "<Prov Default>."